Wednesday, 4 March 2015

TOFUSAN soy milk survey analysis

Do you want to try fresh soy milk with tofu sheet? In the marketplace, soy milk often mixed with powder, powdered milk, oil and you will not have full nutrient of soy milk(source1). Tofusan Co., Ltd. is the manufacturer and marketer of “soy milk with high protein tofu sheet” targeted for people with “health concern” in particular. (source2)Tofusan’s  strength are fresh soy milk with tofu sheet, being a source of protein as high as cow milk, preservative-free, cholesterol-free, non-additive of cooking oil, powder milk nor animal fat, made of non-GMO soy bean by sterilization process for longer shelf life at room temperature.(source3)

            According to customer satisfaction survey of TOFUSAN soy milk product. The respondents satisfaction about TOFUSAN soy milk from 25 response 
that consisted of 2 male and 23 female, aged between 18 – 29  years old. Most of them are students/college students and have income per month around 5,100 – 10,000 Baht. The survey was carried out from 27 February to 4 March 2015.
We founded that the most respondents who has ever drunk soy milk are (52%).The highest frequency of drinking soy milk is once a week or more(28%),followed by every two weeks (20%). The type of packaging that the respondents like the most is glass bottle(53%).The most respondents said that they would buy TOFUSAN if they like soy milk. Most of them choose for health(28%) is the reason why they buy TOFUSAN soy milk.

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Source 2 :
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